Friday, August 31, 2007

Perennially Patronizing

It's a word ladies and gentlemen. And where I live, it's a fucking art. A decorated and celebrated art. I live in world of women who make it their life ambition. Obsession even. No matter what the state of affairs in their lives, they persistently "grin and bear it". Appearance is EVERYTHING!

Because I don't employ such tactics, I am oft accused of being in a fowl mood. I'm not in a poor mood, most days I'm quite fine. I'm just not about employing the over done attitude in order to make you feel less like you might need a kick in the ass or that on certain days, I don't LIKE you. And let's clarify like while we're here, I can Love you all the time, I just don't have to like you all the time.

These perennially happy women have recently begun to grate on my nerves. Especially because, if you've got a beef with me, TELL ME! Be polite, tactful, straight forward, but TELL ME! And for God's sake if I don't return the facade, it isn't because I'm offended or in a bad mood!

While working on a project of no consequence, if you are trying to address me and give me your opinion, stop treating me like I'm 5. Your sweet fucking saccharine voice doesn't tell me that you are trying to be nice! It tells me that you think I'm an idiot and that I lack the intelligence, wisdom, and experience to pull off what we may be trying to accomplish. It tells me that you are, whether you realize it or not, that you are an insolent bitch.

Just because you entered this world 5, 10 or 20 years prior to me, does not bestow more wisdom on you girlfriend. It just makes you older -- period! And if I want your advice...or "wisdom", I'll ask! Your experience in the world before me, your completion of a task before me, it doesn't make your experience noteworthy. It doesn't make you better at having completed the task. It just means you finished it. And in some cases you didn't finish it as well as I did or will! It's like I always say... having a college degree, doesn't make you smart. It just gives you a piece of paper.

So, the next time you encounter me and I don't have a grin plastered on my face, a fake and phony greeting, and a moment to fawn over your every word no matter how insignificant, GET OVER IT! I am NOT in a bad MOOD! Oh, and the tone I seem to have in this post? No, I'm not grouchy! Just momentarily irritated. OK, you can return to you regularly scheduled happy hour. Mmmmmm, happy hour.


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