Monday, January 14, 2008

Drama, Drama, Drama

That is one of my favorite lines. Name the movie please? I used to own it, someday...someday, I will reacquire it. Maybe in person. Ha ha! I won't hold my breath.

But, on to the drama. I read, a lot. Mostly to and with the offspring. I have to educate them somehow. What little personal reading I do is mostly historical or clinical. No, seriously, I enjoy it. I think that those who surround me think that I'm crazy. Because, I am.

Some random individual ask me recently (wonder who that could be) if I had read some series that is really popular called 'Twilight'. Nope, can't say that I have. I seem to recall being posed the same question by my sister-in-law. Being asked a second time around I figured, what the hell. I need a little light reading, it'll be entertaining. It was. Not earth shattering, but entertaining. The jury is still out on whether or not I actually like the book. I can't say yet. I had to many flashbacks.

High school. Popular people. Drama. Gossip. Over emphasis of everything. Boys. Girls. You recall; when so and so said such and such and you were neeever going to speak to them again for such an offense. Please, next time I can find someone that perfect, I'll let you know. My whole life is one long series of "open mouth, insert foot". Last count, I had alienated two hands worth of people, none of whom had any real cause to be offended. I got smart in latter years and started apologizing, not that it helps. Dumb ass. Me, not them.

Hmmm, So, I read this book Sunday. Quick read. I wandered from absorbed to nauseated. Absorbed, because it's an engaging enough story. Nauseated, because I used to think like that. Good God, what high school girl doesn't have those ridiculous fantasies. Come to think of it I know some boys who've had those fantasies. (If you think that's a reference, please, don't flatter yourself.) Hell, if that girl can make money off a high school drama fantasy, I'm in the wrong business. Maybe I should write a book....I'll change the names, then I don't have to share the profits. Yeah, yeah, I've got the perfect co-author, Miss Andrea!! Oh the dish we could make.....Nah, I need time. And drama. Neither of which I have, one of which, I don't want. Drama, drama, drama.


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