Friday, August 31, 2007

Why The Name?

I am Molly. Molly Sue. Molly Sue Walton. It has an infinate number of references. If you liked "The Walton's" as a kid, well that one is obvious. If you are a Mother, then the mis-adventure part is a no brainer, I get adventure, everyday, whether I like it or not.And usually it's not really well orchestrated. I'm not fond of being referred to as Miss, Mrs., or Ms., so of course we must be MisAdventure. I claim to know nothing and I excel at be an expert in...nothing. And finally, if you are Mormon...well, I used to be. Dyed in the wool, as the reference goes. I was Molly Mormon. I still live, surrounded by Mormons. They permeate my every exsistence. So, I ocasionally need to, um, bitch. Hence, the Molly part. Put it all together and you get? Molly MidAdventure.

Welcom the world according to me. It's only my opinion. At the end of the day, it means....Crap.


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