Tuesday, March 25, 2008


When you read the word in the title, what image is conjured up in your mind? I love words. I love language. I have a particular affinity for certain words, whether negative or positive. "But", "anti", "can't". Words I'm not particularly fond of, or, thought that I was not fond of. A far more articulate individual than myself eloquently argued the value of nigger. And, unintentionally, the value of, "but". "But", that little conjunction that we casually insert prior before delivering some nugget of information that will ultimately offend the recipient. An attempt to assuage our guilt at intentional impropriety.

Forgive me, though, I am being tangential. I was pontificating on the word "Queer". A word that has recently reentered my vernacular. A word that I was always inclined to believe was a negative epithet. One that I have been disposed to redefine. Such as we may need to do with the word nigger.

Queer. I can't say that I remember the first time that I heard the word uttered. And it was not originally derogatory, not in the context that was used in my up-bringing. Not until I was a teenager. Then, it was used by uneducated, ignorant, fearful, homophobic individuals to express distaste and loathing for those that they found to be other than what they condoned.

I've alluded, without subtlety, that I've an ongoing obsession. Anything and everything GLBT. I'm on a mission. I am going to collect these beautiful, gorgeous, wonderful, fabulous, accents to the world. As if I can do this like you collect shot glasses or salt shakers. But, I am innocuously enthusiastic. With my unfettered exuberance, I'm off to gather one night a week. (Can you see my giddy GaLinda dance? I'm off with my wand!! ...."Elphie, now that we're friends", yes, yes, I'm going to make them all popular! Haha, as if they need it.)

So far, it has been a tremendously fascinating expedition. Oh my Gahwd! My first lesson? Queer.

Me: "Queer? Ummm, no." (This is what I breathed to my newly acquired little salt shaker, lips pressed sideways vigorously shaking my bouncy hair.) "I can't use the word, queer"...I whispered, looking tentatively around the room, lest anyone hear the word escape my lips.

Salt Shaker: (We need to give her a name, don't we....)"No." she smirks, "The older generation hears it as negative, but the younger generation is taking it back and redefining it in a positive way."

Rrrreeeally! Well I'll be snookered. Queer is just a term used to define one a little left of center. In this case, specifically, gender queer. Oh, oh, oh oh oh! I fit right in!!

I don't have enough time nor compunction to compile a lengthy explanation. It just is. Ok. Now, I'm off to glean more fun and fascinating facts about the queer youth that God saw fit to bless this earth with. I'm going to the prom and I neeeeed to find a dress!! Uh, uh, uh, uh, oh and I need shoes! And a tiara, and a wand, and an over-excited, effeminate, fashion aficionado to assist me......Huaaah! Whaaa, I've lost my Jack! My Sparky! Where am I going to find me another? Oh poop.


Blogger Sabrina said...

It almost sounds like queer is a word like the n word that blacks are allowed to use but those who aren't shouldn't use either. Sometimes I hate our pc world.

March 26, 2008 at 10:25 AM  
Blogger Scot said...

To me, it’s all about context and intent. I don’t care if a friend calls me queer, or a fairy, or even a faggot. If I know the person and know it’s in jest, it doesn’t bother a bit, but I’ll hit back in turn :-). Nevertheless, as those words have a history of being associated with physical threats, they can be provocative when used casually, particularly if you are in a group that has traditionally been the group carrying out those threats, regardless of intent.

I really don’t know what to think about queer; it’s transitioning. As a general rule I think it best I just avoid such words in mixed company and use them only jokingly if I’m sure the other side knows my intent. Still, I don’t think I’d ever use “nigger,” even if I’m sure my friend knew my intent and wouldn’t be hurt by it; even if it’s not rational, I just don’t want my tongue to form that sound :-).

March 27, 2008 at 9:46 AM  
Blogger Molly Sue said...

Scot - I concur. I'm still out on the word "queer", but, it's interesting to hear the younger generation change the context of it's use and association. I prefer the jest aspect of it, though, as you point out. But, I think that's an age thing for you and I. I'm old enough to be the mother of these kids I'm hanging out with.

And as for the word "nigger", I concur...I'm uncomfortable saying it. Although....I'm not as uncomfortable hearing it as I used to be.

March 27, 2008 at 12:27 PM  

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