Saturday, May 10, 2008

Impudence of Hope

Hope. In a way, yes, it takes some moxie to have it. And in terms of candidates vying to run this country, it does take brazen audacity.

I'm leaning more and more in one direction as we scream headlong into the November elections. I also harbor a growing fear. It is, just that, fear.

I'm afraid of politicians. As a populace, we grant them enormous power. Power is like Cocaine. Intoxicating, euphoric striking, a substance that imparts a sense of invincibility, stimulating, exhilarating and granting a feeling of limitless power.

I find it cliche to say that power corrupts or that people in positions of power abuse that power. Power does nothing for anyone. How that individual wields that power is what makes something. "Power cannot be abused. Power is the abuser." It is used to enact that which the holder finds most important to themselves.

Politicians scare me. Their words tell me that they care. Their words tell me that they want to make change. Their words tell me that they will uphold the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But, they'll use whatever means and words necessary to get me to click the right box on voting day. I have spent time with politicians. "Big Guys" with LOTS of security. They know all the right things to say.

Politicians scare me. I don't think they say what they mean. Addicts don't engage in substance abuse for anything other than self absorbed gratification and physiological rush. Politicians don't run to take office for anything other than self absorbed gratification and physiological rush. And they are good at their jobs. The job, of charisma: "It's a special quality of leadership that captures the popular imagination and inspires allegiance and devotion." It's an addicting personality trait.

I am told that my elected officials will represent me (my community, my state) in the process of creating legislation.
"If you are a member of a minority, living under majority rule (democracy) isn't all that great. Having your own representative in the legislature can be of some help, but if you can't persuade the majority to protect you, you're helpless."
The passion, therefore, and not the reason, of the public will sit in judgement. Politicians, Media, and mass communicators play on the irrational phobias of the masses. We play into the idea that they can protect us from the "could be's" and we elect them. They enter into a public office and.....status quo. The endless cycle continues.

I'll vote, in November. I'll HOPE, in November.


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