Thursday, June 19, 2008

Salsa Under the Stars

I'm the black sheep in my family. Thankfully I share the dubious honor with a other of my siblings. I hold the distinct honor of being the inappro-
priate one. Shocking, I know. If there is anything to say or do that will completely humiliate my Mother, you can bet I will be the one to do or say just the thing. I'm so proud.

It really should come as no surprise, being that birds of a feather flock together, that I like to be friends with other "inappropriate" people. The Salt Lake Swede always tells me that we struggle with self-censure, but I'm sure I've no idea what she is talking about. And, well, I just seem to find these wonderfully inappropriate souls to share my life with, all around me. (I knew Midge and I could be friends when I told her that playing pool was something she enjoyed because it was the only way she got play with balls.....heehee.) Give me time, I could give an example of each one of my crazy friends. (Something about STD tests in the Ace Hardware comes to mind...Bawhahaha) So, Friday night the pseudonymous hubby and I went to the pastor's house to have dinner and take salsa lessons. Bring a friend! So I did.

We'll call my friend, Victoria. You can't miss her in a room, especially if you give a drink. The quintessential New York Italian. She'd be the one standing on a chair in a room of 350 people, dog whistling to get everyones attention to find out who wants to accompany her outside for a smoke. (She really did this. At the company Christmas party. You could hear the crickets chirp.) Better yet, telling every married guy in the room how hot he is and wondering if his wife appreciates him and gives him a lot of sex. This is how she introduced herself to the pastor. He's a Unitarian pastor. And he's from New York. The Bronx to be exact. Aaaand, he's Jewish. But, the look on his face when she said that? Priceless.

Forget the social/political power player that he is. Or the power players that were there, she looked him straight in the eye and told him he was a good looking can fill in the rest. Dinner was tremendous, the conversation amazing, the company engaging, the dancing lessons hilarious and her very best. Thank god for my favorite black sheep. (And don't you know I look like the picture....or not.)


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