Friday, February 19, 2010


My Gran taught me that there are subject in life that are not, out of a sense of civility, respect and decorum, discussed with anyone unless well acquainted and in private. That one should never assume anything, that one should never discuss the business of others, period. And, when in doubt, or cornered into such a conversation, be assertive but polite and request that the conversation be resumed elsewhere.

I'm am trying. I am really trying. I've stopped accepting invitations to "neighborhood" events. I've stopped trying to be "friendly" with the next door neighbor (which means I've ceased inviting her to playgroup or over for coffee. I KNOW she doesn't drink it, but I'm trying to be friends! Stupid me.) But every time I think that I should attempt another go, get back on that horse, pick your metaphor, I get slapped down HARD.

In the last two weeks: I've been notified by a neighbor that she is putting together a phone list/map of the neighborhood and in the course of the conversation she informed me that she knew that "I was sensitive about the "church". Really? And how would she know this? I do not know you, where you live or who you are and you "know" that I am sensitive about the "church?!" I'm so glad that I could be informed of my own feelings, being that I was unaware that I was sensitive about the "church". And I have been informed by another "kindly" soul that it must be hard for someone who is just so, 'real', to blend with a conservative group.

Good grief. WTF! Let's review Great Gran's rules of appropriate etiquette.
"there are subject in life that are not, out of a sense of civility, respect and decorum, discussed with anyone unless well acquainted and in private. That one should never assume anything, that one should never discuss the business of others, period."

Now, Gran wasn't perfect, she carried this concept a little to far at times. She had a bought with breast cancer in her late sixties that she only informed her children about, and at one point, didn't even want them to tell their spouses. She didn't feel it was appropriate conversation.

Religion, is like your unmentionable, you don't air your feelings, opinions, or thoughts, in public or with whom you are not well acquainted. It's disrespectful, impolite, and offensive. It is a private matter that you keep between close friends. Incidentally, I have no sensitivities nor proclivities toward "the church". It's your under silks, it's not appropriate discussion. I DO, however, take issue with intelligent individuals who consistently abate reason and rationality. If your religious predilection prevents you from having ability to think critically, then I suppose that the obvious conclusion you make, in your thought process, is that I might be sensitive to your religion. But that is not the case, it's your deliberate ignorance. And my opinion of you (and your religion) is not bolstered by the fact that you use tidbits of gossip, to try and absolve (or perhaps justify) yourself of your stupidity.

In simple English, I've lost my acceptance of ignorance. It's uncivilized. The silver lining? I've now got volumes to write about. Between this...what shall we title it? and our "Little Wave", I can keep someone out there entertained for centuries. What ya' think Dolly? Speaking of our "Little Wave"......


Blogger LOVE said...

Love this. We are one beer and a glass of wine away from hell...

February 22, 2010 at 10:21 AM  
Blogger Molly Sue said...

Yeah baby! Where the fire is always hot, the coffee cold, and the chocolate melted.

And when it freezes over, I'll ski there too!

February 22, 2010 at 10:28 AM  

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