Sunday, September 16, 2007

I'm A Mormon

Pull your jaw up off the floor. It's one label amongst a dozen that describe me. Although, labels present compli-cations for me. On so many levels. We can't seem to sum ourselves up without labels, although it is entirely appropriate and possible. Yet, when using labels, we over generalize, categorize, compartmentalize, identify, rank, pigeonhole, standardize, systematize and stereotype ourselves and others based on the names and labels we assign to each other and ourselves. But while I have problems with labels, I have a particular problem with...Mormon. And many of the assumptions, titles and sub-categories within Mormonism.

I grew up within the religion that we all label Mormonism. I am a fifth generation Mormon. I grew up proud of my religion. I am of "royal" lineage within the genealogical lines of Mormonism. Yeah, that's right, I'm a descendant of the big dogs family. I loved the rituals, ceremonies and customs that made up my religion. I loved Sundays. I loved dressing up. I loved meetings, classes and gatherings. I loved my baptism and confirmation. My subsequent induction into Young Womens. I loved my religion. I had plans for my future as dictated within the confines of my religion. And I couldn't wait to participate in future activities. I was going on a mission for the Mormon church. I was going to married in a Mormon Temple.

Well, life has a funny way of redefining track plans. Eventually, I left my religion. And I was labeled with many new names that I wasn't fond of. Anti-, Non-, Ex-. But the last time I checked, I am not any of these. If my childhood religion had been Judaism, Catholicism, or Buddhism, would you call me non-? If I was raised as an Episcopal, would you now label me an ex-Episcopal? If I celebrated Hanukkah and Passover as a child, would I now be anti-Jew for relishing a Christmas tree every December? If I grew up Catholic and now attend the Baptist church in town, am I Non-Catholic or am I Baptist? Or, am I a Catholic-Baptist?

Religion is a sticky, tricky thing. But the values, ethics and morals that we are instilled with in our youth require no labels. They are values. They are morals. They are part of what comprises who we are. Religion, on the other hand, labels us. Give me a label and the world has a list of expectations of me when they hear it, some of it not so good. Oh, you're Mormon...(give me a list people) you wear funny underwear, you believe in secret ceremonies, you have weird prophets, you....fill in the blank. You get my point.

Well I grew up in the Mormon church. And I no longer attend the Mormon church. That can put me in difficult situations with people, being that I love my religion. So I like to talk about it. I like to analyze it. I like to dissect it. But, if you are a current, card carrying member, you don't want to discuss it with me because if I have counter ideas or thoughts, I am? Anti-. And if you no longer participate and you have shredded your card, (which apparently is bar-coded now, go figure) then discussion tends to lean to the sensationalized. How to "witness" to Mormons, or how to "prove" them wrong. Or you don't want to talk about it at all.

I'm a Mormon. A Unitarian Universalist Mormon. Yes, I am. Care to discuss religion? I would. Now, is anyone familiar with the song? Janeen Brady...come on people, where have you lived all your lives!?


Blogger Jessica said...

My very best friend a few houses down from me is a "grew up strict mormon", has amazing strong values and morals, but is not an "active" mormon now. I really appreciate her points of view (and yours as well). Just because I have a barcoded reccomned and go to church doesn't mean that everyone not like me is wrong. Boy do I know that! My "non" friends have taught me tons about life, and it hasn't affected my views of the church. In fact, it has made me a better mormon I think. All I want is for the "nons" not to judge me just like they don't want me to judge them. That can be hard to find in UT!

September 18, 2007 at 12:54 PM  
Blogger Molly Sue said...

You have found what I hope is a non-judgmental...."inactive"? I know the Mormon religion, I still study it and I respect it. It's good to know that we can see eye to eye and of different faiths.
Good Form!!

September 18, 2007 at 1:31 PM  
Blogger DebD said...

While I don't relate completely to your situation I definitely know what you mean. As a "former Protestant" I occasionally would use that title to describe me so someone could get the "whole" picture of me. I didn't used to be a Wiccan, I was a Protestant. And I do still love talking about Protestantism (although its getting harder and harder to do so) and being with my Protestant friends (even though some don't seem to want me around - but that's another story).

Anyway, this was a very good entry and made me think about the labels I put on other people.

September 18, 2007 at 4:57 PM  

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