Thursday, September 13, 2007

Roe, Roe, Roe Your Boat

Let me preface this by saying that, I do not think, in anyway shape or form, that this is, was or ever should be a political issue.

Roe v. Wade. Looking to go fishing? There's a good can of worms to open, heh? Would it surprise anyone out there that I am, unequivocally pro-CHOICE. I believe in choices. Most of us are blessed with the ability to make them. Many of us choose wisely, some of us, are perpetual bone heads.

I can't account for bone heads. If you make decisions, now or later, that ultimately affect you ENTIRE life, that, my friend, is your CHOICE. Being that the decision has no negative impact on me, well, you can go right ahead and make that choice.

When it comes to "roe"-ing your boat, well, having children impacts many of us in ways that we never imagined. I wouldn't trade mine for all the world. I would step in front of a train for them. In most cases the influence that they have is positive. Even on those days when you want to throttle the little bastards.

Some of the impacts we take are unexpected and difficult. Children with handicaps, mental delays, or health problems. Mothers whose bodies do not fair well in process and aftermath of carrying a child. Bodies that are never the same, weight that never goes away, hormone levels that never balance out and a mental state that may never be the same. Being pregnant reeks havoc on the female body. It takes a minimum of two years to recover from a pregnancy. It takes 18-20 for offspring to grow-up! It is...the miracle of life.

If you have a child that I ultimately have to pay for, I might be a little resentful. If you choose to terminate that pregnancy, by choice, then I would support that. I would support you not getting pregnant in the first place, more than anything.

We also can't ask a woman after she has given birth, to asses whether or not she is glad she went through with the pregnancy. You can't put a child, a physical, tangible human into someones arms, and then ask them if they would kill the being. That's unfair and ignorant. Ask me if I think that my niece shouldn't be around? Duh, she's eight, beautiful, vibrant, adorable. Yes, of course I'm glad my sister had her.

If you choose to terminate at a point in your pregnancy in which that purported life inside you could not sustain itself outside your womb, then it isn't life, by my personal definition. But, again, that's personal and generally tied to your religious prescription. And being that it depends on your religious views, that seems to fall into a church vs. state to me.

That being said, hold onto your hats, I'm not a big fan of Roe v. Wade. Granting the rights to an abortion, yes. But I've got issues with it on a federal level. I have the same issues when it comes to the feds amending the constitution to define marriage, too. This does not mean that I would support a complete overturn, but I think that it should be re-written. Confused? Give it time, you'll get over it.


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