Monday, September 3, 2007

Drink And Be Merry

The Alcoholic Beverage Control commission. Whatever genius came up with this idea should be applauded. (Customary roll of the eyes employed) And in this town, stacking it, the ABC, with Evangelical Christians who don't believe in drinking alcohol, that's fuckin brilliant. Not to mention, some of the members, have not so brilliant moments. There are five members on this commission. Four of these bright spots, don't consume alcohol. And in most cases they are going to save the rest of from our consumption.

Please! Alcohol, while being a beverage that I would consider a drug, is a beverage. Something you drink with a meal or on a hot day when you relax. Over consumption is a very bad idea. It tends to impair any activity you may want to participate in and your physical condition in the morning? Not so pleasant. But, with that said, it is a BEVERAGE. And when consumed with responsibility, is one that many of us enjoy!!

Being that so much of the population does not consume the stuff due to, minor oversights, I find it exceedingly frustrating that they are always trying to make the consumption harder. It doesn't make it harder, it makes them more annoying.

In many European countries the legal drinking age is 16! These kids can't have a license until they're 21, but the can intoxicate themselves at 16. While this may seem, mmmmm stupid? When put in perspective may actually a stellar idea.

Let's examine, shall we? In America our transit system, sucks. And to remedy the situation we have found it necessary to license young people to drive when they are 16. Have you ever really processed what it is to give a 16 year old the privilege to drive a VEHICLE. Think about it. You let them operate a 2 ton machine with highly explosive material contained within a hot environment with very little training and you put ALL of us in danger of? Homicide. Death. Murder? Catch up...I'm not done.

At 21, when the driving skills of most of these individuals still lacks, we allow them to legally consume a beverage that can and does seriously impair all physical function. In some cases we have completely FORBIDDEN them to touch alcoholic beverages, let alone taste, try or experiment. Especially when in most supervised experimentation, we tend to learn, not only what does and doesn't work, but, we also take the mystery out of it. It's like knowing how the magician does his illusions. It's no fun to go to the show if you know the secret.

In my humble opinion, we have it backwards. And as you all know, everyone is entitled to MY opinion. Let the little bastards drink when they are 16. They'll get wasted, hurt only themselves, and then when they have learned the appropriate ways to consume the drink, then we license them to drive the homicide machine that puts the rest of us in danger.

In my neck of the woods it is customary for the predominant culture not to consume beverages of such make-up. They don't drink is what I'm telling you. It matters not what their reasons are. I respect the fact that they follow a dogma that prohibits such consumption. But why do I have to defend my right to ingest it. I'm not going to get into religious semantics. It is what it is. Could we just please make the ABC a more logical make-up. And could we please make buying, selling and consumption rules less annoying? Please?


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