Sunday, September 2, 2007


Dogma, article, canon, conviction, credenda, credo, creed, doctrine, gospel, opinion, persuasion, precept, principle, rule, teachings, tenet, view.

Yeah, pick one. They all fall under a belief system. Where I grew up, Gospel, is a complete reference to an institutional system of religion. You can sum up the religion in my city to almost any individual with a single word. Generally, "The Church" or "The Gospel". "The Church" has "the members". You get my point.

I was recently accused of being anti-Church. So, I've been mulling over this "anti" thing. Am I? Am I antiChurch, antiChurch members, or antiGospel Doctrine? Is it productive?

I am surrounded by "The Church". Lord knows I live in it's capital headquarters. And the population in any given region is about 70% members. You can't exactly get around 'it'. And making an exit from said organization without some serious boat rocking, yeah, good luck. Sometimes, there are near drownings. Mine, was a near drowning.

Fifteen years ago I had pretty much had enough. So I called it quits. To the extent that you can in my world. Let's just say it's kind of like overcoming an addiction of sorts while living in the "grow house". Liken it to taking the recovering alcoholic to the bar with you as the designated driver. It's difficult to be in it and not be of it. And not to desire to be of it. It's magnetic.

Yes, I did analogously compare a religion to an addiction. Relax, if you are of the predominate persuasion, don't get your g's in a twist. It's not a personal character flaw. I'm not about dis-respecting you for your beliefs, as long as the respect goes both ways. It's clearly stated in "the rules" (please refer to 5,6,8 & 15.) that if I know you, at some point I will bitch about you. Whether I like you or not.

I don't encourage people to leave the predominant religion in this state. I also do not recommend that they stay. I can not make decisions of such magnitude for other people. I can only hold your hand along whatever path is best for you. Be who you are, be good at it. And let the rest of "be".

So, in an effort to examine my attitude, I recently opened 'Pandora's box'(this was an unintentional provocation...some people!) At my house that's a box with lots of historical books. Approved and dis-approved. I really shouldn't play with fire, if you know what I mean. But let's all agree, that some things, should be left unopened. I put the box back into storage. Two things have been determined, 1) unless provoked, I am not "anti"(careful, provoking can be unintentional. I'm not perfect, I do have my moments of retardation. That's what the rules are for, disclaimer.) and 2)Some storage, should stay, in storage.


Blogger Matilda said...

HEY! My g's are in a twist...not really.

But I do know what you mean about the addiction. I honestly get sick of being SURROUNDED my "members". We recently went to a retreat, in SL, where people from around the country gathered. I can't tell you how refreshing it was to be with people who asked questions like:

1) So who is this John Smith?
2) Did they settle here cuz they were tired of walking?
3) Why are there letters on the mountains?

3 is my favorite! And while I had answer for the other 2, I did not for that one!!

I love ya...despite you being anti...


September 6, 2007 at 2:33 PM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Letters on the mountains: Is it a western states thing? I have seen them all over Idaho and Nevada. In fact, the high school in Las Vegas where my sis went was Foothill, and their rival was Basic. There was a B on the hill nearby and about once a month or so kids would go up and change the B just enough to look like an F. It went back and forth like that all the time. It was entertianing each time we visited to see whether it would be a B, F or some other something in between.

September 10, 2007 at 8:34 AM  

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