Thursday, March 27, 2008

Do You Know Me... real life? Do you know, when I type this ridiculous prolixity, who I am? Can you picture the gesture, tone and attitude with which I would deliver such verbiage. They are, essentially, just words on a page. Quite harmless and ineffective, really.

I have taken note that we are becoming a textual world. One that delivers much of it's apparent inconsequential conversation in small bytes of text contained within a cellular phone or an "i'm-ing conversation box". And I have learned, that context, it is difficult to translate.

I was under the distinct, and misguided, impression that if you "knew" me in real life, you understood the translation, the delivery, if you will. Perhaps that takes some collection of maturity, as I have been inclined to conclude as of late.

So, if you are so self absorbed to lose my sense of intention because you are not fortunate enough to know me in real life, or perhaps you have made my acquaintance and you are to immature to confront me when you choose to take offense at my words, well, I do apologize. Or, at least, I did. Until I was made aware that I am some kind of yellow bellied puff ball for my supposed "allusion" at sincerity. (Mmm, that confrontation thing works both ways, just as the humility and contrition do.) I'm prone to be immature in my retort, "Bite Me!" is what comes to mind. But, we shall refrain from reducing ourselves to juvenile mediocrity. If one is not inclined to effective COMMUNICATION, I feel no less inclined to redact apologies ad nausea.

We so lack mature and effective communication in this society. A world full of "sound-bytes" and 30 second bits. (Can you sense my disdain grow exponentially as I type this?) Let me put this into plain English for you, I'm tired of acquiescing and taking blame for what another perceives as indiscretion against them. If you can't look me in the eye and tell me you are offended, get over it. I think it's high time I stop being the whipping boy. Grow-up and be an adult!!

Whoo, I feel soo much better. Don't you? Yes, yes, and if you are predisposed to think that this is directed at you, puhlease, get over your self absorbed insecurities. Like I said, confront me, or shut up and get over it. Because, quite frankly, the group or individuals that I may or may not be directing this, like they read this crap! I'm not under THAT MUCH of a delusion!


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