Monday, May 26, 2008

School That Puppy

It's no secret that I home school. And I am frequently asked a list of well meaning questions. Well meaning, but, uh, thoughtless. What about socialization? Are you smart enough? Are you trained to that? How will you know what to teach them?

These are all questions based on the premise that the government run public education system has cornered the secrets of learning, lock, stock and barrel. And while the people who work in this system are, for the most part, loving, motivated, well meaning individuals,(Miss Andrea kicks ass, if you must know)they are still participating in a perpetual cycle of stupidity.

I tend to refrain from bad-mouthing the school system, oh wait, hahahaha, no I don't. Let's say I try to avoid talking about the school system because it frustrates me. I think we are doing the youth in this country a huge disservice in terms of their education, but, what are you going to do?

I assumed, at some point, that the Offspring would venture into a high school class or two, in order to complete a GED and then be off to college where they would actually engage in a learning process that would educate them rather than school them. Stupid me, it seems that even in institutions of higher learning, it isn't about actually learning something. It's about school. And I thought going back to college would teach me something. Oh yes, it did. Keep the Offspring home.

It is about....Here is what is important to the teacher, here is what to memorize for the test, regurgitate well on test day and we'll give you a gold star! It is absolutely NOT about; Here is a variety of information and view points. Consume and try to apply to yourself and society at large. Think outside the box, think critically and then demonstrate how you could or would apply this new information that you have acquired. No, no, no, no, no! This is not about learning, this is about school! How well does that puppy jump through hoops!

Cover you eyes Matilda, but, what the FUCK!! This is what a college degree gets you? Four years of "look at me jump", to head into the work place for what? I read somewhere once that our government schools were kind of like a government conspiracy to keep us from thinking, to keep us from strong family bonds and to get us to comply with what big government organizations need large populations to do in order to keep them under control. I remember thinking...You freak, as if.

Huh, I'm beginning to wonder. Conspiracy, well that's a stretch. But education it is NOT! It is about school. What random, arbitrary bullshit can they get you to do for no apparent reason? A whooooooole lot. Now, make sure you raise your hand to go to the bathroom and don't you dare start or stop any activity unless the bell rings! Get it, got it? Good!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I know nothing about the public school system, I've heard other people say what you're saying now: it's not perfect. After all, no school system is. The best schools are the ones who can adapt to each student and teach them in the most effective way.

I wouldn't be me if I didn't play devil's advocate... so here I go.

Jumping through hoops is annoying. It is sometimes centered around pointless tasks and after jumping through the hoop we are left thinking "OK, what now? Why did I do that?" But, like I've heard you say many times, life is a circus. It doesn't end with school. Speaking as someone who was never able to make it through to the other side of the hoop, I have a different perspective. I would give so much to be able to travel back 5 years and jump until I made it through. Because I never learned that skill well enough, I'm at a disadvantage. I put myself above the small "meaningless" tasks that entry-level jobs entail, and that's a reason I will have to try harder to be promoted to higher positions. I don't know how to follow through with what I consider to be useless tasks. That will prevent me from succeeding in the way I want. I'm learning now, but it's sad to see all my prep school friends who already know how. So while jumping through hoops can be tedious and meaningless, it's a task we all have to learn.

About regurgitating information: oddly important. Even if the information is wrong, even if it has no relevance... it is important to know other sides and other view points. In a way, it makes us all better equipped to teach people the truth. For example, if I was unaware of "cures for homosexuality" or religious reasons why it is "sinful", how could I be an effective teacher? How would I be able to debate with someone who has those beliefs? In a weird way, it makes me smarter to know incorrect information. (I'm not sure that made any sense.)

The last thing I'll say is I never had this experience in school. I was taught to follow my dreams, to be a free thinker, to stand up for what's right, and to learn some grammar and calculus along the way. Granted I had a teacher who made fun of my LD in front of the whole class... but that's another story.

I don't necessarily believe all that I've said. Just thought I'd be a sneaky little debater. It's fun :)


May 26, 2008 at 7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy schmoly, you had a mouthful to say, eh? Very well articulated and I understand everything you had to say. But, not enough room to "come back" as they say. We'll talk, smarty pants.

As for that sneaky little debater...hmmm, why am I not surprised?

May 26, 2008 at 7:40 PM  

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