Sunday, July 20, 2008

Benevolent Dictator

Everyone wants to be King. Or, in my case, being female, Queen. We all believe that we have the best solutions, the most insight, the perspective to do it all the right way and still be popular with all the people. Well, you can please all of the people, some of the time and some of the people all of the time but you can't please all of the people, all of the time.

There was a time when I thought I could do an adequate job, being Queen that is. In the process, I ask for the help of one that I considered a friend. But, such a "friendship" proved to be a bad interference when trying to do business. Some of us just aren't good at being, well, grown-ups. We all have our foibles, I can accept that. Trying to win a popularity contest at the expense of anther's good name and reputation just seems all around wrong. Friendship does not preclude one from doing the very best one is capable of at a job. It also would seem that friendship wouldn't preclude one from addressing serious issues when necessary.

When Daisy manned our ship, if the Titanic had a hole, she called the Steady Businessman and let him know the situation and how it was being addressed. I felt that anyone who was qualified to do their job, deserved the same respect of myself, being that I have taken Steady Businessman's position at the shitty little Wave. When I wasn't contacted, I assumed that all was well. Then I got a phone call. All was not well. (I've explain in a previous post, so I won't bore with details)

When put in a position of having to make a decision sometimes one does not have the time to address every opinion to help make such a decision. The long and short of the matter is that when gently confronted with some major safety issues, Chatty Cathy was offended. She was more worried about WHO, said WHAT, than she was about the fact that there were some major safety issues. She was defensive. Her next leap was to take offense that we would confront her at all, because we were supposed to be friends.

I've never been yelled at, not like that. And it was more about how she felt I violated friendship decorum, than how, perhaps, she had made some poor decisions that put the lives of young kids in jeopardy.

The Lovely Lady ultimately decided that being bullied was not what any of us needed, as well as losing sleep over damage that may be done to equipment and lives. And Chatty Cathy was released from her duties. It did not go well. And the after math is a bizarre anomaly of high school antics and games that I didn't know adults could participate so well in. Phone calls to teenagers telling them how to behave towards "us".

MisAdventure is tired. I can't believe the peace I've had since the whole fiasco finally came to an end. Safety was the first concern, but sometimes the peripheral problems are a bigger deal than we would believe. I'm not popular, but then, I never have been. I'm tired of empathizing with ego-centric teens who would rather viligy me. Fine. I'm tired of worrying about how everyone else feels, how the "see", how they perceive the situation. I'm just plain tired of it all. But, for the first time in a year, I really, truly, honestly, don't give a fuck.(That's a good requires less medication.) It has taken me three days to find the time to put this in a post and now that I'm here, I realize, it really doesn't matter. I'm done.


Blogger LOVE said...

OH MY OH MY OH MY. It looks like I missed something big!

July 21, 2008 at 8:01 AM  
Blogger Molly Sue said...

You didn't miss anything. Same shit, different day. But, the gossip and bullshit will finally stop. That, will be a nice change.

July 22, 2008 at 7:53 AM  

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