It is chic and socially popular in this state to be a very blue, conservative, right wing republican. And a lot of people will give you a litany of supposed but illogically derived reasons why this is a smart idea.
I'm tired and frustrated with political parties, but more so with anti-intellectual, right wing conservative Republicans. I've posted the definition of republican here at my MisAdventure, in the past, but I don't think people "get it." And it leads me to fits of rage when trying to maintain civility with many of my neighbors. Have we not exercised our right to an educated and informed idea? Hmm, no, we have not.
The moronic hypocrisy around me is driving me to drink, not that it's a bad thing to consume a little alcohol. It has been medically proven to help reduce the risk of heart disease, but that isn't what we are discussing, we are discussing what the definition of republican is and the fact that no one in this damn state that I live in understands that definition.
Read that last bit again, "someone who favors social equality and opposes aristocracy and privilege"
Last time I checked, the ignorant mass that surrounds me, fighting to virulently for the republican party, believes that we should not allow equality of ANYTHING!! They espouse limited government, limited spending (things I endorse), but they want the ultimate hand in all things that happen behind closed doors, on private property. No equality of marriage, no science education, no right to reproductive health (anti-abortion, anti-birth control), no access to true information (the state of Texas wants to rewrite our history text books to exclude all things democrat (Ted Kennedy) and include all things perceived republican (Newt Gingrich), and last but certainly not least, in my state they want to dictate what you drink, favor all who are white, affluent and of the dominant religion, and they want to tell you who to marry and lead all history with a Christian twist. Somehow that screams of a white, religious, elitist, aristocracy.
People, this country was NOT founded by a group of radical Christians. No, those Puritans may have been religious, but they were not right and they were not accepting. Oh, and they weren't called "puritans", until the 17th century. The white elitists who wrote the Constitution were NOT, I repeat, were NOT right wing, evangelical Christian. They were, deist, agnostic, Unitarian and much more. You will notice that they DELIBERATELY left gOD out of the Constitution!
Get off the fucking Christian high horse, get a real education and stop with the hypocrisy. I am so sick and tired of the Christian world trying to lead me around by the nose as if I'm to stupid to think for myself. That guy you all worship named Jesus, would be ASHAMED of your behavior in his name.
Republican does not equal Christian. And it doesn't make you RIGHT. Take your oxymoronic "religious tolerance", and put it where the good sun don't shine.
I'm tired and frustrated with political parties, but more so with anti-intellectual, right wing conservative Republicans. I've posted the definition of republican here at my MisAdventure, in the past, but I don't think people "get it." And it leads me to fits of rage when trying to maintain civility with many of my neighbors. Have we not exercised our right to an educated and informed idea? Hmm, no, we have not.
The moronic hypocrisy around me is driving me to drink, not that it's a bad thing to consume a little alcohol. It has been medically proven to help reduce the risk of heart disease, but that isn't what we are discussing, we are discussing what the definition of republican is and the fact that no one in this damn state that I live in understands that definition.
re·pub·li·can /rɪˈpʌblɪkən/ Show Spelled[ri-puhb-li-kuhn] Show IPA
1.of, pertaining to, or of the nature of a republic.
2.favoring a republic.
3.fitting or appropriate for the citizen of a republic: a very republican notion.
4.(initial capital letter) of or pertaining to the Republican party.
5.a person who favors a republican form of government.
6.(initial capital letter) a member of the Republican party.
Someone who favors a republic; an anti-monarchist; Someone who favors social equality and opposes aristocracy and privilege; Of or belonging to a republic; Favouring a republic.
Read that last bit again, "someone who favors social equality and opposes aristocracy and privilege"
Last time I checked, the ignorant mass that surrounds me, fighting to virulently for the republican party, believes that we should not allow equality of ANYTHING!! They espouse limited government, limited spending (things I endorse), but they want the ultimate hand in all things that happen behind closed doors, on private property. No equality of marriage, no science education, no right to reproductive health (anti-abortion, anti-birth control), no access to true information (the state of Texas wants to rewrite our history text books to exclude all things democrat (Ted Kennedy) and include all things perceived republican (Newt Gingrich), and last but certainly not least, in my state they want to dictate what you drink, favor all who are white, affluent and of the dominant religion, and they want to tell you who to marry and lead all history with a Christian twist. Somehow that screams of a white, religious, elitist, aristocracy.
People, this country was NOT founded by a group of radical Christians. No, those Puritans may have been religious, but they were not right and they were not accepting. Oh, and they weren't called "puritans", until the 17th century. The white elitists who wrote the Constitution were NOT, I repeat, were NOT right wing, evangelical Christian. They were, deist, agnostic, Unitarian and much more. You will notice that they DELIBERATELY left gOD out of the Constitution!
Get off the fucking Christian high horse, get a real education and stop with the hypocrisy. I am so sick and tired of the Christian world trying to lead me around by the nose as if I'm to stupid to think for myself. That guy you all worship named Jesus, would be ASHAMED of your behavior in his name.
Republican does not equal Christian. And it doesn't make you RIGHT. Take your oxymoronic "religious tolerance", and put it where the good sun don't shine.
--Republican does not equal Christian. And it doesn't make you RIGHT. Take your oxymoronic "religious tolerance", and put it where the good sun don't shine.--
Love this.
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