Authentic Authority
We all love to think that we know what is best. For everybody, everything and every situation that arises. Your neighbor's kid has an issue, they should just ...(The dot, dot, dot, is deliberate.) Your sister has this issue. Well, she should just ... That guy in the grocery store is 150+ pounds overweight, he should just ... Candidate #1 (R) is running for office. The (R) or the (D) obviously make them more qualified than (C), right? Of course! Because why? Because, YOU KNOW. You, are the authority on it all. Duh, welcome to the United States, moron. Greece, Spain, Italy...shit, the whole of Europe has a crisis. And we know how to fix it? Okay, when in hell did the population get so damn smart? (If you haven't caught up to speed yet, PAY ATTENTION, facetiousness abounds dumb-ass)
What is it with this country? Oh, and don't try to tell me you aren't like that. Yes, you are. Hell, I, am like that. And, quite frankly, I know next to nothing. (I'm serious about knowing next to nothing). When did Americans decide that we were so much better than everyone else? When did we become entitled to EVERYTHING simply by our existence? And when did (R) or (D) dictate whether you and I can have a civil conversation about the realities of government? I'm not sure what the answers are, but, I can tell you, I have had it with hypocritical experts. The hypo-critical, the hypocrites and the experts. And I'm really fed up with all of them telling me 1) that I'm doing it wrong 2) how to do it 3) assuming they have all the answers 4) assuming they have the best answers.
If this all seems to have come about very suddenly, it hasn't. It's just been latent for the last five or six years. Each of the birthdays that I have celebrated in the last six or so years has, strangely, drained me of certain aspects of, what shall we call it? A "give-a-shit" cell in areas of my life. Think of it as similar to Jay-Z's song Off That. There are things in life that I was positive I was supposed to be passionate about when I was younger. And now? It requires far to much effort anymore. Now, a return to the plethora of authority that we have been so generously steeped with in this country.
My most recent encounters with applications to varying private schools in the greater city area gets my panties into a twist. I feel like, even with enough money, my choices are limited to the scrutiny of others. Public education is in dire straights. In a word, it sucks. Private school is great, but only if you can pay for it and if you pass their litmus test. Either way, I'm screwed and so are my kids. I don't fit into the mold, I don't fulfill the checklist, I. Am. W.R.O.N.G. Never could seem to get the right answer anyhow. So, onward and upward with our home school adventures. I never thought I would be learning trigonometry, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. You be right, I'll be wrong and I'll try be okay with all your stellar advice and authority. Or, I'll do what I'm really good at, ignoring you.
What is it with this country? Oh, and don't try to tell me you aren't like that. Yes, you are. Hell, I, am like that. And, quite frankly, I know next to nothing. (I'm serious about knowing next to nothing). When did Americans decide that we were so much better than everyone else? When did we become entitled to EVERYTHING simply by our existence? And when did (R) or (D) dictate whether you and I can have a civil conversation about the realities of government? I'm not sure what the answers are, but, I can tell you, I have had it with hypocritical experts. The hypo-critical, the hypocrites and the experts. And I'm really fed up with all of them telling me 1) that I'm doing it wrong 2) how to do it 3) assuming they have all the answers 4) assuming they have the best answers.
If this all seems to have come about very suddenly, it hasn't. It's just been latent for the last five or six years. Each of the birthdays that I have celebrated in the last six or so years has, strangely, drained me of certain aspects of, what shall we call it? A "give-a-shit" cell in areas of my life. Think of it as similar to Jay-Z's song Off That. There are things in life that I was positive I was supposed to be passionate about when I was younger. And now? It requires far to much effort anymore. Now, a return to the plethora of authority that we have been so generously steeped with in this country.
My most recent encounters with applications to varying private schools in the greater city area gets my panties into a twist. I feel like, even with enough money, my choices are limited to the scrutiny of others. Public education is in dire straights. In a word, it sucks. Private school is great, but only if you can pay for it and if you pass their litmus test. Either way, I'm screwed and so are my kids. I don't fit into the mold, I don't fulfill the checklist, I. Am. W.R.O.N.G. Never could seem to get the right answer anyhow. So, onward and upward with our home school adventures. I never thought I would be learning trigonometry, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. You be right, I'll be wrong and I'll try be okay with all your stellar advice and authority. Or, I'll do what I'm really good at, ignoring you.
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