Saturday, February 16, 2008

Experience Aside

In this "race" for the White House, that began far to soon, I've bounced more about my possible choice for office than a four year old on a trampoline. I change my mind more often than men change channels. As of two weeks ago the rock and hard place I felt stuck, crumbled on one side and I was left with only one choice. NOT HILLARY! Oh, and I do like some of the candidates running, did like. One by one the're catching the wagon.

I think I am undecidedly firm on Barack. For a number of reasons. His charisma has stark reminders of someone I know. That's a good thing. If his charisma speaks anything of Obama as it does for the individual that I know, get me to polls!! Yet, I hear it again and again, Barack Obama is a great senetor, but he lacks the experience to be the President.

Well there's something to be said for substance. Mr. Sullivan pointed me here. and as Hilzoy points out; little data point is: while Obama has not proposed his Cosmic Plan for World Peace, he has proposed a lot of interesting legislation on important but undercovered topics. I can't remember another freshman Senator who so routinely pops up when I'm doing research on some non-sexy but important topic, and pops up because he has proposed something genuinely good. Since I think that American politics doesn't do nearly enough to reward people who take a patient, craftsmanlike attitude towards legislation, caring as much about fixing the parts that no one will notice until they go wrong as about the flashy parts, I wanted to say this.

This dedicated blogger has been sifting through Clinton's and Obama's record in the senate to see what they have actually accomplished. Bless those with more patience than me.


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