Sunday, February 3, 2008

A LifeStyle?

I find little things like this frustrating. And to a degree, insulting. (But what else does one do at 2:00 in the morning with insomnia?) How tragic that we even have to define an individuals rights based on sexual orientation. Stupid!! If your basic human rights are violated because you lose a job or an opportunity because of gender, orientation, ethnicity or age it's bad enough. But to have to define it? How stupid are we as a society? It appears so very simple to me, "Do all that you have agreed to do" and "Do nothing that encroaches on any person or their property". In other words? As I have loved you, love one another.

Who you share your bed with does not ensure that you won't be a dumb ass and shouldn't ensure you an advantage either. If you are a difficult individual and I can't employ you? See ya!! And that has nothing to do with swinging one way or the other. Just like being rich doesn't make you nicer and being poor doesn't make you a jerk. You can be an amazing, humble rich guy and you can be a jerk who doesn't deserve it. It has nothing to do with your income. Your income doesn't excuse your behavior, good or bad. And neither does the way you swing!!

It's such a ludicrous social more that we even have to categorize the gender of who we fall in love with or who we are attracted to. Roman society didn't define it. They were an advanced society that thrived with no word in their vocabulary for "gay" or "lesbian". Maybe because who you cavorted with, or fell in love with, or had a "relationship" with, had no impact on your ability to act in, upon, or be a good, contributing citizen in society. We are the very thing that Roman society detested, barbaric. And if you try and tell me that the "Bible says..." Grrrr, don't get me started. In a literal sense, there is one, ONE scripture, in Leviticus, that addresses who you "lay" with. Guess what, depending on the Bible you use and the wording there-in, at the end of the day, the Hebrew language also lacked the vocabulary to define who you were "doing it" with. It's all up to interpretation.

And another thing, No, the fall of Rome had nothing to do with the Roman public's sexual behavior. Politics? Yeah. Government? Absolutely.(Absolute power corrupts absolutely) Economics? Big time. But rampant sexual behavior? Please. If that was the case our society would be back in the dark ages again. God doesn't carry that kind of vengeance. God doesn't have time. In other words, GOD DOESN'T CARE!!!! Please, "he" (she?) has far more important things to waste time worrying about than who we meet, marry, and spend our lives with!

Then there is that "lifestyle" thing. Being gay is NOT a lifestyle. If it is/was, then being gay is and will always be a CHOICE!! I can choose to live as a lesbian woman, it doesn't make me lesbian. I can flit my way through Capital Hill in Seattle like a loafer light fruitcake, but it doesn't make me gay. And it sure as hell doesn't dictate my "lifestyle". Why don't we have a "heterosexual lifestyle". What stereotypes would that include? Married with 2.5 children with a house in the "burbs"? Oh wait, not all heterosexual people are married! Stupid me. And not all gay men and women are single with no kids (DINKS). Who you are attracted to, who you want to share your days with, who you share your bed with, are NOT a LIFESTYLE!! (Are you wondering if I'm 1) passionate about this? and 2)Had to have this STUPID, time consuming, energy wasting argument before? Grrrr.) To a degree, you choose your lifestyle, which may or may not be influenced by any number of things, but influences are not dictates. Your sexual make-up does not tell me the lifestyle you lead.

Being gay does not tell me what kind of a parent you will be, either. Which is why this editorial needs serious attention. There is zero evidence that it is anything but a positive environment for a child to grow up with parents who are gay. There are no gaurantees, obviously, but your sexual orientation should not be an issue when looking to adopt a child.

Being gay does not entitle you to a job. But it is not grounds for dismissal either. Why oh why do we have to define this for society. In either case? Which brings us back around to the deplorable tragedy that we have to lower ourselves to such a level that we have to write laws to ensure the humane treatment of a minority in our society. Any minority. Anybody for that matter. When will we learn? We are human. Humans, by "higher law" deserve certain rights and privileges. Humane treatment and the "pursuit of happiness".

I know very little. Seriously little. And the older I get, the less I know. So, realistically, I could be wrong. (Hell, I probably am.)But I know this, we all deserve to be loved, even in our worst moments. And it would seem simple human nature to treat each other with respect, without having to define it. Unfortunately, we seem to need "big brother" to do it for us.(Heavy note of sarcasm, can you hear it?!)


Blogger eleka nahmen said...

:) It's so good to see that people like you live in Utah and that the whole state isn't comprised of bigoted dumbasses.

February 5, 2008 at 12:43 PM  
Blogger Molly Sue said...

Ha ha, bigoted dumbasses. I had to snort/laugh at dumbass. I looooovvvve that label. I think I like it almost as much as WTTP. (must be said with twang..thank you) That would be, White Trash Trailer Park. (You don't need to live in one to BE one)

I appreciate the nod my beautiful friend. Let's just hope that someday the State Legislature will lean more in our favor, heh? Maybe it'll include an adorable little Spark we both love ;)

February 5, 2008 at 2:26 PM  

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