Monday, December 21, 2020

It’s All Relative

This has been, a year. Two thousand twenty years from the birth of Jesus. 525,600 minutes, how do YOU measure a year? How do you quantify the moments of life within 12 months, 8,760 hours, 525,600 minutes? 

My year began in measurements of family and moments of loss. Family. Relatives. People we are connected with, by blood? Genetics? Proximity? Stitched together in tapestry and ripped apart, cut into smaller pieces, to be stitched and connected to different collections of people. 

For me, this year was an unintended Pandora’s Box. A beginning of great and unexpected things. The story of this year, begins a long time ago. Forty-nine years ago to be precise. When one mother gave a gift to another mother. The gift of a child. Then, On December 31, 2019 the mother who received the gift, the child, let go of life, creating a hole in the universe. The universe responded with a miracle. The mother who gave the child away, the mother who gave the gift, was found. With the discovery came a sister and brother, aunts and uncles, cousins and.....relatives. Family. 

I’ve often thought, in this year of great and unexpected things, that the space-time continuum was ripped to create a hole for it all to converge. Space-time fabric. It’s time to sew it back together and wrap the two under one quilt. 

How did you measure your year? How will you measure the next? 

Seasons of Love 

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes

Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure? Measure a year?

In daylights,

In sunsets,

In midnights,

In cups of coffee,

In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife

In five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure a year in a life?

How about love?

How about love?

How about love?

Measure in love...

Seasons of love...

Seasons of love...

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes

Five hundred twenty five thousand journeys to plan

Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes

How do you measure a life of a woman or a man?

In truths that she learned

Or in times that she cried

In bridges he burned

Or the way that she died

Its time now to sing out though

The story never ends

Let's celebrate remember a year in a life

Of friends

Remember the love...

(Oh you gotta remember the love)

Remember the love...

(Oh yeah, its a gift from up above)

Remember the love...

(Sing out, give out, measure your life

In looooooove...!)

Seasons of love...

Seasons of love...


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