Sunday, December 9, 2007

As The Pool Waves

Let's go for a stroll down memory lane, shall we? Remember this place? "Memories, like the corners of my mind....."

We had our cast of characters. (They're still around) We even have some new ones. If you know me, and most of you who frequent this sight do, then you know who those characters are! Because, they weren't added to our weekly adventures.....Oh the Soap Opera we could write. My part would be Nancy Botwin, or, depending on your point of view, Mrs. Robinson. Mmmmm, in some cases, for a short period of time, I was Karen. I've recently lost my sidekick, Jack, though (think "Will&Grace"). Like I said, if you know me, you get the references. And you know that this summer was the ultimate in d-r-a-m-a, drama. Even that dog in the picture played a role! Haha!

Life has thankfully, slowed down. Boring is good. Now, based on my tendency to bitch, don't look so shocked, I know you can't believe I'm admitting it. But, I digress, the chicken caught my eye, damn A.D.D., you would tend to believe that I don't like some of those people that I worked with on the Pool Board. On the contrary, I like them, I just don't want party with them. And, because I am GaLinda, I waved my magic wand and I was popular by the end of the summer.

You will recall that one of our illustrious board members was dear Edith. Edith Enthusiastic. Picture Edith from "All In The Family", just better looking. Well, our dear Edith saw fit to reproduce, again. What possess some people to do this, I will never know! But, she did, and I got to see the little bugger. Good thing he's cute. And, again, if you know me, I'm jealous as hell. I was very GaLinda though, I took her a baby gift. "I know....that's what makes me so nice."


Blogger LOVE said...

I haven't even read it yet, because I saw the title and instantly was excited. I love this saga.

December 10, 2007 at 1:48 PM  

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