Friday, December 7, 2007

That's What FRIENDS Are For

I recently vented about growing up and not being popular with everyone. Having so called "friends" decide for random, inexplicable reasons, that they can't be your friend. While I understand in my head that this is the behavior of immature people who never grew up, well, it still stings in my heart.

Whether we like to admit or not, it hurts to be dumped. And we girls take it pretty hard. It can be as bad as loosing a boyfriend. Sometimes worse. We obsess and analyze and try to figure out what went wrong. What could I have said, or done, or gestured or implied differently? How can I amend my wrong doing? Please, I know we just need to get over it, but it isn't going to happen. We are girls after all. We want to appeal to even the shallow of individuals. We want to be? Popular.

It then happen, coincidentally, that as I am struggling through my recent dumping, one of my best friends called to tell me a similar story. She was hurt and devastated and thoroughly confused.

Well, in sharing our feelings about friends we concluded, that the real ones love you like family. That is, regardless of your faults and flaws. So, to you my friend. And the friends we share,(you all look mawvelous in photo by the way!), who love and take care of you, for me, when I live so far away and can not be there everyday. I love you all. Thank you for loving each other just the way you are. Without condition! And thank you for taking care of my friend so far away from me.


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