Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Well Intentioned

I've lived in my neighborhood for almost a decade. I have wonderful neighbors. Conservative, Mormon. You understand.

I have, over the years aloud my sweet neighbors to some "visit teach" and "home teach" and even, on occasion, let my children attend Primary "parties". If you're of the persuasion, that all made perfect sense. If not, well, seems you need to read up on some religion.

A few months ago one of my neighbors was "called" to be in the Relief Society presidency. I don't attend Mormon church, I'm Unitarian, so how, you ask, would I know this? Keep your panties on, I'm getting there. Hm Hm, they, the Relief Society "presidency", showed up at my door. They were on a fact finding mission. New ward, new people. Mmm, right.

I was quickly introduced to the newcomers and they made themselves at home. I was given visiting teachers, asked what my talents were and what would I be interested in. Interested in? Nothing really. Well, when dealing with enthusiastic Relief Society women, nothing, is not an answer. It's an invitation.

A week later when my new visiting teachers arrived, my neighbors, coincidentally, they immediately invited me to Enrichment Night. Once again, if you are behind on explanations, go look it up. Catch up, will ya!

I squirmed, told them I was busy, told them John Boy was out of town. I even told them I was Unitarian. Not to be deterred they just told me they would pick me up! It would be fun! Did they miss the part where I was declared heathen? I did say Unitarian. In some circles that's akin to communism. We are those gay loving, liberal, tree huggers.

Oh. Fun. Ok. Eek, oh dear! I need to learn that one little word, NO! Why is it so much easier to tell off my family? You know, it's the Galinda in me...."It's what makes me so nice."

Well, I went. And, if you must know, I lived to tell about it. It wasn't earth shattering. Nothing has changed in 15 years. NOTHING!! Except that, those girls in my neighborhood that I went to high school with? Uhh, do I look that old? Lord help me. Next thing you know they'll want me to dress up on Sunday....


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