Friday, December 7, 2007

GaLiiiiinda Moment

I met someone! What a gal! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oooooo
oohhhh, uh uh uh! (Picture the ridiculous dance across the room. You can include the pink dress if it suits you)

Some time ago, while perusing the Internet, I encoun-
tered a woman's blog. She lived at the southern end of my home state. This was, completely coincidental. I stopped at her blog because she had pictures of her baby posted online and he was cute, damn cute. She had a list of 'friends' on her blog, and being that she was in Utah, I decided to see where it led me.

I came upon a spot with pictures of cute little blond girls with new crocs. I hate crocs. Well, except on children under the age of 6. And who could resist the little blonds playing with the hose in their backyard with new crocs on.

I was not only caught by the children but by the shots from the backyard. I recognized the "area" if you will. These little people were not far from the city that I lived in. So, I bookmarked it and began to frequent the site. Leaving the occasional comment here and there.

Sure enough, the author of the blog and mother of the little girls began to comment on my little spot in the world. Now, being that I am an opinionated, crass, foul mouthed individual and she, appeared to be a nice, warm hearted Mormon, it seemed, odd that she would continue to frequent my little vent vehicle. As if I have anything profound to say. Pllleaase, only the most narcissistic of us has one of these infernal website called a blog. As if the events in our lives constitute quality reading for the American public. We'd like to think we're all J.K Rowling. I don't think so. But, be that as it may, I write and she comments.

So, I got it in my head that, being that she was the only person who commented that I didn't know in real life, I thought it was high time I met the girl. Let's face it, I am nosy. And her picture? Unbelievable. Seriously, who looks like that in real life. It had to be a staged photo.
Well, I got to meet her. Wow! You know...they say that meeting people off the Internet is risky. They can make up who they are and what they do and what they look like etc, etc., etc. Not to mention that's how some of my family met their spouses. Risky I tell you, risky. But, I propositioned her anyway. What the hell, she seemed harmless enough. How scary could a sweet Mormon mother of two be?
Pretty damn sweet! I finally got to meet her. A quick lunch turned into two and half hours. And I wasn't ready for it to be done. It was like catching up with an old friend. I was like a giddy teen walking out of lunch, I had a new old friend. (Confidentially, if picking a religion were all about the people and not the doctrine, well, based on this girl, you could sign me up! I'm up to at least 6 friends like this now, whoo, we could make a ward! Wink, wink) I left the restaurant and called everyone I knew! They were relieved to know that she was NOT an axe murderer and she would fit right into our quirky little "playgroup".

Oh, and the picture, yeah, she looks like that. In real life. Bitch. No one should look that good. Fricken gorgeous. Good thing she's genuine to the core, I'd of left with a complex, instead of a friend. (Enjoy Vegas by the way!!)


Blogger Jessica said...

WOW...on so many different levels. I don't quite know what to say...but ditto! I had such a good time! I keep talking about our conversation to everyone ..."my new blog friend said..." And thank you for the nice compliments! It's so funny to me to read that, cause I SO don't see myself that way. Thank you! I didn't check my blog list for a week and what a nice surprise to find as I caught up on my blog reading! Vegas was...interesting. Totally some updates about that story. We will have to get together again! Have a great Christmas!

December 19, 2007 at 9:00 PM  

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