Thursday, December 13, 2007

Don't Encourage Her!

We all have a secret need to acquire positive attention. When we fail, we tend to seek whatever the hell we can get.

I sometimes wonder then, why we, the observers, continue to dish it, the attention, when we are appalled at the behavior. Shut up already and let the bitch drown. Or get buried alive in the hole she be diggin' for herself.

High maintenance people irritate me. Maybe because I can be one on occasion. But please, cut the crap, drop the 'tude and admit you are just like the rest of us. Plain, boring, v-a-n-i-l-l-a. We all want drama, we all want to think that our lives are filled with unenviable stress that no one else could handle, that somehow we are just innocent victims in some pawn game and we are not to blame for our actions. That we are sooooo picked on.

Hmmm, as a former acquaintance once yelled so eloquently at me, WTF!?! As if that HM crabby bitch needs the fuel.

Stand up cowgirl. Because quite frankly you are nothing but a whining, patronizing, self-righteous, self-absorbed, self-centered ego-maniac! And that cowboy that is bustin' himself for you? Well, if the rest of us have anything to say or do about it, he won't be yours for long....


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