Monday, April 21, 2008


Or Red Herrings, call them what you will. I've reached my proverbial limit and to make matters worse, I've no communicative access to the one particular source that I THINK may be able to answer my question, or, in the least, be able to give me some source of articulation.

Here's the dilemma. If you are GLBTQQ, (I am NOT going to list each one, catch up!) does that impulsively, automatically make you promiscuous? Is the GLBTQ "community" more sexually active? Or is this a projection of stereotype? When discussing my gays, (because, they are mine.) somehow, in order to get around one's homophobia, we throw up the distraction of sexual habits. It's called a red herring. And in really stellar moments of argumentative intelligence, we jump to ad hominem. This is akin to telling me that drinking alcohol automatically makes you an alcoholic or smoking a doobie makes you a drug addict and that in either case, it doesn't make the one proposing the argument any less valid in point. Conclusively, it doesn't.

Quite frankly I've had it up past my ass with assumption. Along with jumping to the act of sex when you hear that someone is gay,(earth shattering, isn't it, that there might be more to being gay or lesbian than what goes on behind closed doors.) why does the population at large then jump to promiscuity?

Tangent!!...I need my little G.Q. I know she has an answer for this. These are moments that I reach for my phone and realize, kwah, snap! I can't text her. I can just see those sparkly, beautiful, brown eyes light up as she runs through the file in that head of hers. It's like watching the lights on a flashing Christmas tree go off and on (haha, that WOULD be funny, cause she's Jewish!)....Think I should've named her Sparky? Perhaps it's time to reassign...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I don't think I have any dissenters. Eh, we'll stick with G.Q. for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have some thoughts!

I hate that stereotype. Unfortunately, stereotypes don't just appear out of thin air - they have to come from somewhere. Having said that...

I'd say it partly comes from the misconception that HIV/AIDS is a "gay disease". Since HIV/AIDS is an STI, of course it's mainly associated with sex. And since gay men were one of the two main groups being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS in the early-mid '80s when we still didn't know much about it (the other group being IV drug users), the link is that gay men have lots of sex. I hate it. I think it's degrading to the gay community.

And then... here's a thinker. When straight people talk about straight sex in the straight world, there's nothing weird about it. It's the norm. But when gay (or straight for that matter) people talk about gay sex in the straight world, it's something different and new that draws attention. It's not the norm. So wouldn't something that draws attention from the majority of the world become associated with the minority it applies to?

I'm not sure if that made any sense. I hope it did.

:) GQ

April 21, 2008 at 8:10 PM  
Blogger Molly Sue said...

Yeah!!!! She speaks! Can you see my rediculous GaLinda dance?

You kick ass. It all makes perfect sense to me...and I'm stealing it for one of my classes...

April 21, 2008 at 8:25 PM  
Blogger Molly Sue said...

P.S. Click that e-mail link....I've another question. If it's O.K.

April 21, 2008 at 8:29 PM  
Blogger Matilda said...

Personally, I hate stereotypes. I hate the "mormon stereotype, up there is happy valley phase 11. I hate the "your child has a disability" stereotype. There's cleft lip. There's your husband is so nice when he's an ass. Oh, did I say that out loud?

Anyway...I get what GQ is saying. And I agree. It's the fact that it is out of the norm, so people assume, or...go by what ONE experience, with ONE person, holds true in their mind!

Look what Wicked did, for the Witches of the Wizard of OZ. GLinda used to be SO nice, and kind and loving. And all she really wanted to do was be popular! ;)

April 22, 2008 at 7:15 AM  
Blogger Molly Sue said...

Matilda-I wish they would hire you to do "sensitivity" training for a particular religious group in this area...haha. I've always told you that your baby is not a disability, he is "J". And he's damn cute too! And my "T", is just my "T". But the world only ever sees gay.

Where would I be without normal people like yourself to call my friends? Lost I tell you.

April 22, 2008 at 8:15 AM  
Blogger Jessica said...

Great thoughts!

April 22, 2008 at 8:10 PM  

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