Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Molly - In Real Life

I'm little slow on the uptake. It took me to long to follow the advice dispensed to me some time ago to watch, "Dan In Real Life".

What's worse? That a comedy made me cry or that I see far to many parallels in my own life? Ok, so I've not lost a spouse and I'm not trying to raise 3 kids on my own, but, can we discuss my propensity to royally fuck things up? On a regular basis. You would think, by my actions, that this life is some sort of a dress rehearsal. Oy.

When you mess "it" up, whatever "it" may be, how do you, you know, "fix it"? Do I sound like a revolving door? I want life to work like the movies, I want to resolve "it" with artful wit and humor in an hour and half. I want it to work like it does in a script. And I want to look that good in the process.

But, life isn't like the movies. And, we can't rewind. I can't redo my "growing-up" part, moments with gran, stupid things I've said, friendships that I've messed up, relationships I should never have had, kids I probably scarred for life, moments of misunderstanding or just sheer stupidity. I'll never be as educated, sophisticated or intelligent as I was the day I graduated from college. But, I can laugh. I can hope. I can dream. And, I can do what I did when I was 5, use the whooooole box of band-aids if it makes me feel better. I can love, imperfectly, forever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read this article:

Totally unrelated... But we were talking about it yesterday.


April 30, 2008 at 8:46 AM  

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