Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Oddities and Buckets

As I made vain attempts to hold my lunch down last night as the plane touched down at Salt Lake International, I watched the city skyline with disappointment. I was returning from the city that never sleeps. The city that boasts "affordable" rents higher than my mortgage. And, among other positive notes, fewer religious radicals.

Ahh, the harsh truth. I've just spent the better part of a week in the heart beat of America to be apart of a choir that sang with the New York Chamber Orchestra in Carnegie Hall, (a bucket list experience I didn't know I needed to check) and what am I lamenting? Religious idiots. I said it, you read it.

It's disturbing at my age that there is a significant portion of the adult population in my surrounding world that subscribes, without critical question, to a 3000 year old text with no reason for proof, as a brick bat of stupidity. A grown up world that uses it's religion to justify much the suffering in this world. Endorse it even.

I think I'll be returning to my bubble. It's a happy place. And given that I can't say what I REALLY think, (because it's "offensive", notice the exaggerated finger motion for air quotations.) going back to my deliberate ignorance of my surroundings is the best I can hope for. Religion is the opiate of the masses. Good 'ol Mr. Marx. The convenience of crisis.

I the twilight zone. (exaggerated, perfunctory sigh.)