In Need Of Assistance - So What Is The Resistance
A friend recently shared some of her trials with me. A vent of sorts. She just needed to tell someone about her troubles. The discussion moved to people who either talk to much or to little. Mostly to little. What is the resistance we see in so many women we know? The tendency to hide what they are struggling with. Especially when faced with some of the most difficult challenges. We keep our trials....secret. Why? Someone has financial problems, marital issues, struggles with the kids, their religion or their health, and they don't tell a single soul. Look, you're all just as big an irritation as those of us who have a sliver and can't shut up about it.
Give it rest already, will ya? No one expects us all to be superhuman. We all have problems and trials. They're not character flaws. It's no indication that we are broken. On the contrary, it's a nice reminder that we all struggle and none of us is perfect. Except maybe my Mother, but don't tell her otherwise. She's convinced that if the yard and the house are pristine then by damn, so is her life.
What are we all trying to hide? And where does this attitude come from? I have my of is the predominant culture that I am surrounded by. An institution, if you will, that teaches us all from the time we are born that we need to be perfect in every way. Food storage, 6 kids, homemade meals, clean houses, highly educated and multi-talented. Financially secure, all the ducks lined up in a row, perfect children who follow a perfect path, fulfill all institutional requirements....And fake it 'till you make it! That is, if you aren't filling the requirements, at least make it look like you are. And for God sakes don't let the neighbors know when the shit hits the fan. They might wonder you know..
Please. Can we all get over ourselves? I'm not perfect. Never have been, never will be. And Lord knows the older I get the less I know. So if you think my salvation is compromised by what you observe from your window, well, you can kiss my grits!!