Friday, August 31, 2007

In Need Of Assistance - So What Is The Resistance

When in need of assistance in life, when faced with difficult moments and trials why, WHY do some of insist on keeping it all bottled up inside? What is our fear? Family? The neighbors?

A friend recently shared some of her trials with me. A vent of sorts. She just needed to tell someone about her troubles. The discussion moved to people who either talk to much or to little. Mostly to little. What is the resistance we see in so many women we know? The tendency to hide what they are struggling with. Especially when faced with some of the most difficult challenges. We keep our trials....secret. Why? Someone has financial problems, marital issues, struggles with the kids, their religion or their health, and they don't tell a single soul. Look, you're all just as big an irritation as those of us who have a sliver and can't shut up about it.

Give it rest already, will ya? No one expects us all to be superhuman. We all have problems and trials. They're not character flaws. It's no indication that we are broken. On the contrary, it's a nice reminder that we all struggle and none of us is perfect. Except maybe my Mother, but don't tell her otherwise. She's convinced that if the yard and the house are pristine then by damn, so is her life.

What are we all trying to hide? And where does this attitude come from? I have my of is the predominant culture that I am surrounded by. An institution, if you will, that teaches us all from the time we are born that we need to be perfect in every way. Food storage, 6 kids, homemade meals, clean houses, highly educated and multi-talented. Financially secure, all the ducks lined up in a row, perfect children who follow a perfect path, fulfill all institutional requirements....And fake it 'till you make it! That is, if you aren't filling the requirements, at least make it look like you are. And for God sakes don't let the neighbors know when the shit hits the fan. They might wonder you know..

Please. Can we all get over ourselves? I'm not perfect. Never have been, never will be. And Lord knows the older I get the less I know. So if you think my salvation is compromised by what you observe from your window, well, you can kiss my grits!!

Why The Name?

I am Molly. Molly Sue. Molly Sue Walton. It has an infinate number of references. If you liked "The Walton's" as a kid, well that one is obvious. If you are a Mother, then the mis-adventure part is a no brainer, I get adventure, everyday, whether I like it or not.And usually it's not really well orchestrated. I'm not fond of being referred to as Miss, Mrs., or Ms., so of course we must be MisAdventure. I claim to know nothing and I excel at be an expert in...nothing. And finally, if you are Mormon...well, I used to be. Dyed in the wool, as the reference goes. I was Molly Mormon. I still live, surrounded by Mormons. They permeate my every exsistence. So, I ocasionally need to, um, bitch. Hence, the Molly part. Put it all together and you get? Molly MidAdventure.

Welcom the world according to me. It's only my opinion. At the end of the day, it means....Crap.

LAUGH! It's Funny...

Oh the humor we create. Make sure you scroll all the way down, they only get better.

Perennially Patronizing

It's a word ladies and gentlemen. And where I live, it's a fucking art. A decorated and celebrated art. I live in world of women who make it their life ambition. Obsession even. No matter what the state of affairs in their lives, they persistently "grin and bear it". Appearance is EVERYTHING!

Because I don't employ such tactics, I am oft accused of being in a fowl mood. I'm not in a poor mood, most days I'm quite fine. I'm just not about employing the over done attitude in order to make you feel less like you might need a kick in the ass or that on certain days, I don't LIKE you. And let's clarify like while we're here, I can Love you all the time, I just don't have to like you all the time.

These perennially happy women have recently begun to grate on my nerves. Especially because, if you've got a beef with me, TELL ME! Be polite, tactful, straight forward, but TELL ME! And for God's sake if I don't return the facade, it isn't because I'm offended or in a bad mood!

While working on a project of no consequence, if you are trying to address me and give me your opinion, stop treating me like I'm 5. Your sweet fucking saccharine voice doesn't tell me that you are trying to be nice! It tells me that you think I'm an idiot and that I lack the intelligence, wisdom, and experience to pull off what we may be trying to accomplish. It tells me that you are, whether you realize it or not, that you are an insolent bitch.

Just because you entered this world 5, 10 or 20 years prior to me, does not bestow more wisdom on you girlfriend. It just makes you older -- period! And if I want your advice...or "wisdom", I'll ask! Your experience in the world before me, your completion of a task before me, it doesn't make your experience noteworthy. It doesn't make you better at having completed the task. It just means you finished it. And in some cases you didn't finish it as well as I did or will! It's like I always say... having a college degree, doesn't make you smart. It just gives you a piece of paper.

So, the next time you encounter me and I don't have a grin plastered on my face, a fake and phony greeting, and a moment to fawn over your every word no matter how insignificant, GET OVER IT! I am NOT in a bad MOOD! Oh, and the tone I seem to have in this post? No, I'm not grouchy! Just momentarily irritated. OK, you can return to you regularly scheduled happy hour. Mmmmmm, happy hour.

The Rules

These are the rules, in no particular order....

1. I will say what I think
2. Everyone is entitled to my opinion
3. I have an over inflated ego - (why put this on the Internet if I didn't?)
4. It's all about me
5. Don't take it personally, it was never about you
6. Be offended, I won't apologize
7. I will print great things I stole from other people (I may even acknowledge them)
8. If you don't like it, go away
9. If you can't play nice, get off the playground
10. I'm always right
11. I am NOT in a bad mood!
12. I will swear like a long shore man
13. Participation is optional
14. I'm Popular - Love Me! (Damn it!)
15. Love them or hate them, I bitch about everyone
16. Follow the links, it's worth the effort
17. Laugh! It's funny

The rules are subject to change at any moment for no particular reason as my mood dictates. Thanks for playing.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Let's Re-Aquaint

Let me introduce myself. Or in this case, re-introduce. When one decides to blog, well, you get, discovered. Which means in my case you can't say what you really want to say for fear of offending certain parties. Mine being family. Conservative is an understatment, truly.

I am a little older, a little wiser and a lot more careful. Eventually in life, if I know you, I am going to tease you about something that you do or say. It is how I look at life. I don't do it because I dislike you, I do it because I like to find the humor in life. I tend to like those people who provide me with the most humor. I discovered that there is a name for these people, FunSeekers. The rest of you people in life, yeah, you would be the FunSuckers!

Why have this place? Well, like my cup, my brain runneth over. Sometimes in my life my brain runneth over and I can't put my thoughts onto paper fast enough. I carry journals around with me like other women might carry make-up or lipstick. I collect journals like some of us collect shoes, trinkets or strange memorabilia. I'm obsessed with them. So a weblog seemed a natural step. It would make a blog a good outlet for someone such as myself. Just as our good Anne of Green Gables was accused, I could talk the hind leg off a mule. I talk too much. I rarely slow down. I really don't know how my friends can put up with me being that I rarely let them get a word in edgewise.

What in the world am I going to write? I'm at a loss. Or maybe not.... Wondering if other readers would even venture to look at what I have to say or think or contemplate. I guess we'll see.....I am...a lover of the outdoors, bugs, children, water, running, books, clothes, learning and of course, journals. I am no one famous, yet I know famous people. I am ordinary and uneventful, yet I have many an event in my life that would amaze you. I I hope you'll share, too.

So, this is the perfect outlet. If I can't find some unsuspecting soul foolish enough to stand still and listen to me endlessly pontificate about nothing in particular, I can come here and write my little heart out about nothing at all. What's more is that no one seems to mind. My blog has no where to go and it never disagrees with me. This is gooood. Kinda like cheese and a good dog.

Now, as you puruse my occasional observation, politically incorrect ramblings, thoughts and input you may agree or diagree. Whatever, this is MY blog. This is not a democracy. If you don't like it, move on. And as my Pop always says, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all". That's food for your comments, not my blitherings.

If you walked in my shoes you might see the need for the humor. But that my friends, is a story, or two, or three, for another day. We have lots of time. Let's not bite off more than we can chew. This is just the beginning, and I wanted to give you a glimpse at me. A glimpse at WHO I am. I hope you will be back to muse at my perspective on life. Perhaps even join in. But as I said, this is not a democracy. You don't have to agree, but then, you don't have to comment either.

I like to see myself as a whannabe comedian, who attempts to be funny, but rarely is. One who laughs at themselves, a lot. Laughs at other people, and tries to see life from the humorous side. We all have faults. I just try to make them funny. I'm not good at it, but it makes ME laugh. I like to oogle at life from the wrong side. I'm caustic, tactless, and politically incorrect. It's OK, you'll get over it. Strangely, I appeal to both the left and the right. They just don't know it. Frightening isn't it.

Now, I really must run, or walk as the case may be. My children are calling my name "MOM!"