Change! That's what all those enthusiastic, enterprising, candidates running for the Presidential nomination promise us. At least, a change from the last eight years.
I applaud that. It's time for King George to give up his throne. It's time for the master manipulator, Cheney, to find a pond in which to shoot ducks. DUCKS, not humans. But, with the extreme animosity generated by the current administration I'm a little worried about who Americans think should take charge of the White House for the next four years. Or, God forbid, another eight.
We are on a direct trajectory to spear a Democrat to that seat. Now, it would seem a logical choice, being that the Republican party doesn't seem to have done such a stellar job. It's time to swing that pendulum at break neck speed in the polar opposite direction. Well, of course!
Working with what most of us perceive to be a Republican, I wouldn't want another one to take office. Conservative, right-wing, narrow minded, self-righteous, heavy handed religious sphinctor. Ok, so Dobson and his cronies aren't in the actual seat, but they sure weild a heavy influence. Obviously the definition that most of us are working with is nowhere near the original explication that comprises a Republican. And, if I'm reading campaign promises correctly, Democrats are prepared to live up theirs. Which is, a government that imposes a heavy tax burden to implement broad and controlling state and federally run programs. This is only a vague shadwo of what a true Democrat was supposed to be. Essentially, to me, the party appears closer to "Big Brother". George Orwell was right.
What's wrong with this, besides scaring the hell out of me? We are supposed to live in a free-market economy. A republic with limited government. Those individuals who wrote the Constitution and The Bill of Rights wrote a brilliant piece of work to help us run this country. It was composed with the belief that the common man was smart enough to run his own life. Getting a little help from his neighbor on occasion.
Do you see where this could be headed? It's a bit of a Robin Hood mentality. Rob the rich to feed the poor. In a free-market system, that doesn't work. It kills the economy. It makes everyone poor and reliant on 'big brother'. And the last time I checked, our government couldn't efficiently run....ANYTHING. When is the last time you got great service at a government run agency? Kah, Please.
If you know me in real life you are probably thinking that I'm the biggest whiner on the planet. "Poor Molly will have to pay more in taxes". Yes, yes, I know. Get out your violins. (Note of heavy sarcasm and a defiant roll of the eyes) But let me defend myself. I'm not waxing sorrowful here.
If you work your way through school, get a good job, and a sprinkle of luck from the good luck fairy, in a world like many of the Democrats want, the more money you make for your hard work and ingenuity, not to mention your heavy dose of luck, the more they are going to take from you. It seems only fair, right? Or does it? At some point, human nature is thus that our attitude will be, "Why work hard when the "man" is going to take it from me anyway?" which segues into "If 'Big Brother' will pay for it, why should I?".
In this country if you make a six figure salary, (you're thinking this is great, right?) you fall into a 32-43% tax bracket. Percentage applicable at appropriate increments. In other words, the first $90,0000 is taxed at 32% the next jump at whatever percentage comes next. In today’s world, $100,000 doesn't go that far. Not if you want to live the "American Dream". And we have some pretty high expectations in America for that dream. Based on what most Democratic runners want, that tax percentage, would go UP. And if you're going to be punished for earning money, why make it? If you saw my tax bill from the last 3 years, you would wonder with me. Trust me. And if the Democrats take office, as they probably will, I, or we (a little credit where credit is due, eh?) potentially could be punished for hard work and a little reward. For most, it's not a hardship. But the government can't manage the money they take from me now. This doesn't instill confidence in their ability to manage MORE.
There's also the problem with our collective mentality of equality. I can see where this idea of government run programs, paid for by the tax payers, materializes into rewards for the stupid. I don't want to subsidize stupid. I already do that on a regular basis, it's called family....(Ha ha...Kidding!!! I'm kidding!) We all deserve a chance. I strongly believe in that. In fact most of us deserve a lot of chances. Heaven knows I've had numerous chances bestowed on me. Thank God those that loved me didn't give up on me when I acted like a complete ass. Oh, I mean, when I ACT, like a complete ass, I've not perfected my behavior, yet. (Lord, help me be Christ-like...can you see my look of supplication and innocence? Eyes cast to heaven...) But, isn't there a point when we say, enough is enough?
Equal opportunity, not equal results. If I, or the government in its ideological fury, allows multiple chances, when do you finally call it quits? And why do the rest of us have to pay for it?
This feels like a train wreck in the making. Eh, I could be wrong. I often am. Mmm, more frequently than not. I want to have the optimistic fervor that seems to have infected so many people in this country. But, I can't participate with enthusiasm without a bit of reservation. Now, with that said, Go Obama? Go Mitt! Go, Obama. Ok, just make Billary go away! As if I have any fuckin' say, anyway. Oh well, I'll go to the polls, at least I can do that without fear of my life. Go team....! Rant complete.